
The mission of the Turtle Creek Chapter, NSDAR, is to promote the objectives of the National Society DAR in its mission of historic preservation, education, and patriotism to adults and children through programs and services throughout our communities.

We support this mission in our community in the following ways:

Members of Turtle Creek Chapter, NSDAR, serving veterans at the annual Veterans Day celebration at Countryside YMCA.

Historic Preservation

  • Annual donation to Christian Waldschmidt Homestead
  • Dedications of plaques in historic buildings in Lebanon, Ohio
  • Tree planting program; conserving the naturally historic habitat of the area
  • Helping to restore the Beedle Station on the grounds of Warren County Historical Society
  • Restoration of an American Revolutionary War Patriot gravestone


  • The Children’s Home in Pleasant Plain
  • Donation to NSDAR Education Fund
  • Donations of supplies and money to DAR schools
  • Recognition and proclamation for National Family Literacy Day
Letters for Honor Flight Tri-state
Members of Turtle Creek Chapter, NSDAR, penned 280 letters to veterans for Honor Flight Tri-state.


  • Cards sent to current military service members and veterans
  • Gift cards to two current active-duty soldiers
  • Lunches at the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) around Veterans Day
  • Marking the graves of American Revolutionary War soldiers buried in the area
  • Honor Flight Tri-State; delivering cards and letters of thanks to our veterans that participate in this wonderful event
  • Promote Constitution Week with various activities including getting proclamations from local governments

Want to know more or join us? Contact our Regent!

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