Grave Marker for Revolutionary War Patriot John Scott

Welcome to the Turtle Creek Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR) located in Lebanon, Ohio. Please enjoy your visit to our website. Here you will find who we are, what we do, our Patriot ancestors, and how to join us. Additionally, we have information supporting our mission of promoting historic preservation, education, and patriotism.

Turtle Creek Chapter, NSDAR was organized on December 18, 1926, with 13 members. A creek that meanders through the area is named Turtle Creek, the origin of the chapter name. It is thought that the creek was named for a renowned warrior named Little Turtle, Chief of the Miamis.

The chapter has a long history of recognizing and helping to preserve the historic sites around Lebanon, Ohio. In 1962 we recognized the Ichabod Corwin site, where he built his first cabin on the west side of Turtle Creek. We celebrated the oldest hotel in Ohio, the Golden Lamb, in 1940. Most recently, we received two historic preservation grants. The first one was to preserve and move the Beedle Station to the Warren County Historical Society site in Lebanon, Ohio, to educate adults and children on the lifestyle of frontier families and the early history of Ohio. The second grant was to replace the broken headstone of American Revolutionary War Patriot John Scott in the Maineville Cemetery in preparation for a Patriot insignia marker.

Plaque commemorating Ichabod Corwin’s cabin built
in 1796 in Lebanon, Ohio.
Member with a trunk full of donated food for the Midwest Children’s Home.
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